
A Message from DirectorMessage

NanoTerasu: Peering at the Frontiers of Science
with State-of-the-Art Light

Atsushi Muramatsu, Director, International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart, Tohoku University

International Center for
Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart
Tohoku University
CHIBA Daichi

Tohoku University operates under the spirit of Research First, and a policy of Practice Oriented Research and Education; it is the goal of the International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart (SRIS) to uncover new knowledge for humankind, and it will seek to do this through NanoTerasu.
NanoTerasu is a next-generation 3GeV synchrotron radiation facility—a giant microscope roughly the size of Tokyo Dome—located on the university’s Aobayama New Campus. Generating light that is more than one billion times brighter than sunlight, the facility is capable of making nanoscale observations of both the surfaces and interiors of different objects; utilizing various observation methods, it is also capable of visualizing the microscopic mechanisms by which these objects function.
Scientific technologies hold the key to the progress of modern civilization, and scientific frontiers must be crossed if humankind is to resolve the varying issues it faces. Science itself makes progress through discoveries rooted in curiosity. By applying our existing knowledge to this process of discovery, we gain further insights; and these insights bring about progress for modern civilization—in industry and in medicine—and open up new possibilities for humankind.
SRIS boasts an array of specialists with the ability to make sophisticated use of NanoTerasu’s world-leading light source—to collaborate on resolving issues, to develop cutting-edge methods of observation, and to open up new frontiers of science.
The center is set to play a key role for academia, industry, and the local community; it will provide powerful support for academic developments whose impacts will be felt around the world, and will encourage the development of globally minded talent.