

International collaboration Smart lab

Senior Assistant Professor KANAI Yasushi
・Graphene spintronics devices
・Magnetic Ionick liquid devices
Spintronics, Graphene, Magnetic ionic liquids
Research Activities

Gating of graphene by ion rotation using magnetic ionic liquid with anisotropic structure

Since ionic liquids are excellent as gate electrodes, various studies have been conducted.  Among them, a magnetic ionic liquid, which has the property of being attracted to a magnet, has been used, and the carrier density is controlled by changing the density of magnetic ions on the surface with a magnet. In this study, by using a magnetic ionic liquid with an anisotropic structure, an external magnetic field aligns the orientation of the magnetic ionic liquid on the semiconductor surface, changes the polarization, and changes the carrier density of the semiconductor. I will explore a new phenomenon of carrier density modulation by an external uniform magnetic field and establish a new technology that fuses iontronics and spintronics.

Graphene Hall bar coated with a magnetic ionic liquid

I plan to use synchrotron radiation to research and develop devices that combine magnetism, graphene, and ionic liquids, and to elucidate physical phenomena.