

Multiscalel measurement Smart lab

Professor NISHIBORI Maiko
International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart
Concurrent : Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials
  • Elucidating Structure-Function Correlations by Tracking Hierarchical Structural Dynamics Using Multi-scale Synchrotron Measurements
  • Noble Metal Loading and Nanospacing Utilization on Oxide Surfaces Templated by Polymer Brushes
X-ray spectroscopy, Hybrid-nano materials, Dynamics, Material Structural Chemistry
Research Activities

Visualizing of Nanomaterials Using Synchrotron Radiation Techniques

Nanomaterials that exhibit novel properties and superior functionalities present intriguing phenomena at various scales, such as phase separation, self-organization, and changes in chemical states and local structures. Utilizing high-brightness synchrotron X-rays as a probe, we investigate the mechanisms behind the manifestation of these unique functionalities and the formation of such structures.