

Spin measurement Smart lab

Associate Professor YUKAWA Ryu
・Elucidation of novel low-dimensional physical properties using synchrotron radiation
・Development of innovative methods for elucidating electron transport phenomena by combining photoelectron spectroscopy and multi-probe measurements
・Exploration of functional surfaces and ultrathin films
Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, Electron transport phenomena, quantum physics, Surfaces and ultrathin films
Research Activities

Exploring novel electron transport phenomena in low dimensions

When crystals are thinned to the atomic layer level, quantum effects become remarkably pronounced, often exhibiting novel properties such as high-mobility electrons, spin-polarized electrons, and metal-insulator transitions that are not observed in bulk crystals. We conduct research to realize and understand these unique properties on ultrathin films and surfaces by controlling them. By utilizing high-intensity and high-energy-resolution synchrotron radiation, we can accurately capture these novel physical phenomena. Combining the state-of-the-art NanoTerasu facility and the multi-probe measurement devices and computational science, we will precisely describe the electron transport phenomena and explore new nanomaterials.
I believe that interesting phenomena can be found when delving deep into mainstream as well as non-mainstream topics.
By harnessing cutting-edge instruments and utilizing the fields of physics and computational science, let us together shed light on unexplored territories!